Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Comparable and Comparator Interfaces[Sorting]

Usage of Comparable and Comparator is the most commonly  asked Java interview question.
Java provides features for sorting Arrays and Collections  by using respective sort method.
Sorting a String objects is straightforward there is no need to override any necessary methods,sorting is done based on comparison of certain properties . First we will see  sorting of  a LinkedList,a simple Collection..\


The output of following code is

[India, America, China, Russia]   Before Sorting
[America, China, India, Russia]    After Sorting

The sort method is able to sort the String objects because the String class implements Comparable interface and overrides compareTo() method For String class source code refer String source code
 Similarly Arrays.sort() also works on the same line.

Now the most important implementation is when we want to sort user defined objects .Suppose we have an Employee object having employeeId, employeeName and empMailId .we need to sort them based on different attributes it has. 

Scenario-1:- Sorting Employee Object  using comparable interface.

If a particular objects need to be sorted  their class should implement Comparable or comparator interface.
There is a difference in usage of both this  interfaces which we will discuss at the end of this topic.
For now in order to sort objects based on single  attribute we use Comparable interface.

Below example shows the sorting of three Employee objects based on employeeId

Source code for Employee class

Employee class extends  comparable interface and we need to override compareTo(Object) method (line 29). The logic of comparing  is described in the method.

this.employeeId-recentEmpId  gives data in ascending order.
 recentEmpId -this.employeeId gives data in descending order

Now we will  create  three  Employee objects  and insert them into a linked list and  sort them.

Source code for EmployeeSort

As we discussed earlier reiterating the same  for an object to be sorted the respective class should implement either Comparable or  Comparator.Here Employee objects can be sorted.
Line no 10 to 12 we have created three employee objects ,16-18 adding employee objects to empList @28 using Collections.sort().  

Output of the program:-

Before sorting
2 Amda amda@java-recent.com
3 Chetan chetan@java-recent.com
1 John john@java-recent.com

Before sorting elements are retrieved as per  their order of insertion.

Sorted Employee List  
1 John john@java-recent.com
2 Amda amda@java-recent.com
3 Chetan chetan@java-recent.com

Here result is sorted based on employeeId. The actual implementation is written in compareTo() method in  Employee class

Just have a look at  source code of Collections.sort() method

 public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> void sort(List<T> list) {

           Object[] a = list.toArray();


           ListIterator<T> i = list.listIterator();

           for (int j=0; j<a.length; j++) {




In the previous example we have sorted based on single attribute[employeeId].
Now we will see about comparator interface.

Scenario-1:- Sorting Employee Object  using comparator interface.

Comparator interface is used if we want to implement sorting logic in a different class.
The method used  for implementing business logic is compare(Object obj1,Object 2).

Source code for EmployeeSortComparator

EmployeeSortComparator class implements Comparator interface and overrides 
compare method which takes two parameters.we are comparing employee names.

Return values :-

positive if e1 is greater than e2

Zero  if  e1 equals e2

Negative  if e1 is less than e2

Lets insert a syso statements in  the above source code

System.out.println(e1.getEmployeeName()+"\\ and //"+e2.getEmployeeName());

System.out.println( e1.getEmployeeName().compareTo(e2.getEmployeeName());


Amda\ and //John
Chetan\ and //Amda
Chetan\ and //John
Chetan\ and //Amda

The major difference between Comparable and Comparator

  • Class Objects which we need to sort must implement Comparable interface
  • Class Objects  which we need to sort need not implement Comparator interface

Using Comparator we can implement different  sorting logics in different clases,then we pass it to Collections.sort([collections],new [class that have sorting logic]).

Example:- we have employee class ,then we write two sorting classed EmployeeNameSort,EmployeeEmailIdSort both of them implements Comparator interface.
On a same employee class we  have implemented two different sorting logics,if we would have used Comparable we can implement  only one sorting logic.

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